On March 16th, 2010 the Hindu communities in Bali will celebrate Caka new year (Hari Raya Nyepi). Two days earlier, on March 14th, 2010 held the preparations. Like pecaruan, and the most eagerly awaited is ogoh-ogoh parade procession of statues of giant concrete, demons, and others that show or describe the nature of humans is not good.
Where at the end of the parade, ogoh-ogoh must be destroyed, which shows that to welcome the new year we should eliminate all of our bad qualities (at least reduce it). After that night we are busy-busy "destroy" our vices, in the day nyepi we are taught to refrain from all the passion that exists.
Therefore in our nyepi day fasting (Brata Penyepian) which consists of geni observe, observe the work, observe lelanguan, observe lelungan (klo no one like that). Which means we can not turn on the fire (lamps, candles, etc. concerning the lighting), we can not work (any work our first stop while), we can not eat (fast, because it can not automatically do not cook food), and can not travel (out of the house).
So real that we can do is to yoga or meditation (to reflect all the thoughts, words, and deeds which have been carried out for the better in years to come). Almost in every village in Bali to make ogoh-ogoh. Each village is usually held ogoh-ogoh parade in the village environment. For in cities such as Denpasar usually centered in the town square, but for distant villages, they held his own environment.
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