“The Balinese are closely inspirited by their religion which is also inseparable with their”

Bali is one of the unique among thousand islands that make the Indonesian Archipelago. Well known as the Island of the Gods, Bali has distinguish character with its natural beauties, the hospitality of the people and of course, its exotic culture. Visitors find the Island fascinating in how the island is able to endure the quality of its colourful culture and how the natives keep their harmony with nature. Traditional rituals and practices are still alive today as a testimony of the richness of their spiritual faith.
The strong cultural identity of Bali took it’s root from a combination of closely related essential element such as unique religion, languages, castes, community life, land cultivation and expression of its art. Of the four castes, Brahamana, Satria and Wesia represent 10 % of the population whereas the Sudras (The farmers and craftsmen) represent the majority.
The castes system, stilol very much alive today, regulates, apart from their religious power, the different levels of the Balinese language.
The official language in Bali is Bahasa Indonesia, but the traditional language of Balinese remains the everyday dialect in the island. Each Balinese belongs to his or her caste, but foremost their community, which from birth, death regulates life in its social an religious aspects. Numerous ceremonies mark the progression of life, starting with the first birthday. 210 days after birth , which is the length of a Balinese year. Childhood is treated with respect and gentleness until ten years, celebrated with the tooth filing ceremony.
Bali has an area of more than 5.000 square kilometers. It is a Tropical Islandwhere the soil is so rich and fertile that the land is constantly in green surrounding. Most of The Balinese practice a form of Hinduism ehich covers 95% of the whole population. The Balinese are closely inspired by their religion which is also inseperable with their daily lives. It won’t be difficult for visitors to spot the natives in their religious rituals and ceremonies. There is also a small minority of Moslems, Christians, and Buddist of Chinese and Balinese origin.
Bali has a consistently warm climate which is particulary mild in the dry season that makes a perfect land of agriculture. Visitors will find yhe famous and and beautiful terraced rice paddies fields. The whole irrigation system, unique in the world, is managed by this association which ensures the fair distribution of water. Most of the native are farmers which grow rice and other important corps such as coconut, vanilla, cloves, and maize and other exotic tropical fruits.
The island offers many of beautiful spots and amusing places for visitors around the world. Traditional and religious events and art festivals are held periodically. Visitors are welcome to learn about the traditional culture which includes traditional architecture, arts, paintings, music, dance, ceremonies, and spiritual beliefs. The nature surroundings of Bali perfectly complete the beauty of the Island. Bali’s beaches and other natural spots have drawn many visitors from around the worls to come and feel the magical touch of the island.
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